Warrior River Drainage Site | 1Ha19

Site 1Ha19 is a Protohistoric Period village site in the Warrior River drainage of central Alabama. Based on radiocarbon dates and ceramics, the site was occupied during the 1600s. Excavated remains included 23 features (refuse pits, ash pits, charred corn pits) and 22 burials. Animal remains included 18 species of invertebrates and 11 species of vertebrates. Pottery…

Warrior River Valley of Alabama | Site 1Tu4

Site 1Tu4 is a large Protohistoric Period site on the Warrior River in central Alabama. Based on radiocarbon dates and ceramics, the site was primarily occupied during the 1600s. During the field seasons at the site data recovered included: several structures, numerous features, 45 burials (17 bundle, 11 urn, 4 semi-flexed, 4 extended, 1 flexed, 1 cremation, 7 undetermined.).…